

Walter PfeifferECAL


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Soft cover
Japanese binding
78 pages
63 photographs
ISBN 979-10-90306-44-8

Instinctive, spontaneous and unclassifiable, Walter Pfeiffer's images are an anthem to youthfulness, and not only that of the mind. This may explain why, in spite of a monopolizing international success, he accepted ECAL's invitation to run the 2014/15 Workshop, and enjoyed sharing his experience with the emerging photographers of the Lausanne school. , Rather than teaching a technical class, he initiated a series of exchanges on the notions of aesthetics, exposing his philosophy of the trade and sharing a protocol of the image production (from shooting to editing). Walter Pfeiffer invited students to take hold of his world without ever imposing a specific goal. Collected under the title "Choli Cholie" – an allusion to a recurring remark by the artist –, the images produced by the students are at once a reference and a tribute to the work of the famous photographer.

Limit Time Offer: 2025 Booobles Festival

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