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Saul Leiter

1923 年出生於匹茲堡的 Saul Leiter,從小熱愛繪畫,未滿廿歲時便已在家鄉、克里夫蘭、舊金山等地參加過畫展,其後為成為專業畫家。在持續創作繪畫之餘,相機一直是用來記憶著自己於這個大都市生活的點滴記錄,他的好友抽象表現主義畫家 Richard Pousette-Dart 與紀實攝影師 W. Eugene Smith 很快地發現他對攝影的潛在才能,並鼓勵他成為一位攝影師。 二戰結束後,他來到未受戰火波及而急速領先的紐約,住進東村的公寓,從此成為鄰近街坊的見證者超過半世紀。彼時的紐約無論在文化或人口層面都有龐雜的可能性,但 Saul Leiter 卻選擇數十年如一日地生活在同一幢公寓裡,經常造訪如今將屆百歲的 Strand 書店,或逗留在幾間固定的咖啡館,隔窗記錄這座大城與都市人的面貌,不分季節,無論親疏。 同時身兼畫家的 Saul Leiter,他將繪畫上的創作技法應用於攝影中,無 Read more...

Highlight Book

Animal Books for Jaap Zeno Anna Julian Luca (Third Edition) (9789464460551)

Animal Books for Jaap Zeno Anna Julian Luca (Third Edition)

Lous Martens

Third edition "Seventeen years ago our grandson Jaap was born. That was the start of an animal book for Jaap. I used a dummy for the OASE journal of architecture and loosely pasted in pictures of animals that I had clipped from newspapers and magazines about art, literature and science. Plus stamps and photos from advertising brochures. Then Zeno was born and the same thing happened: an anima View more...