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Luigi Ghirri

1943年出生於義大利斯坎迪亞諾 (Scandiano),一個位於艾米利亞-羅馬涅大區的小鎮。攝影師同時也是作家的Luigi Ghirri在當代攝影領域裡備受讚譽與推崇,他所創作的作品聚焦在景觀、建築與市容所建構出的平和世界,帶有睿智風趣的觀念性意象。透過攝影探討著攝影本身的能力與缺陷,同時也是彩色攝影興起浪潮的先鋒者之一,更為日後歐洲的新地誌攝影及新彩色攝影潮流奠定了基礎與範疇。 戰後的義大利面對經濟高速增長與多重文化之間的相互衝擊與融合,深受此一時期最受歡迎的藝術運動 —— 觀念藝術所影響,1969年於摩德納 (Modena) 結識了藝術家Franco Guerzoni、Claudio Parmiggiani、Giuliano della Casa等人,自此開始投入藝術創作。 回顧創作生涯早期,平日從事土木測量工程師工作的Luigi Ghirri,工作之餘僅透過週末假日之時從事攝影。然 Read more...

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A Difficulty Is a Light (9791096383450)

A Difficulty Is a Light

Rebecca Norris Webb

This is poet and photographer Rebecca Norris Webb’s first hybrid poetry collection, punctuated by more than a dozen of her lyrical photographs. This elegiac book explores the geography of loss—both personal and environmental— after the suicide of her sole remaining brother, compounded by the earlier loss of his identical twin. Glimpse by glimpse, she also follows the ever-shifting world of light b View more...