Closing Ceremony Magazine 01

Sold Out

September 2017
184 pages
210 x 275 mm
Limited edition of 800

Closing Ceremony magazine is a ceremony for the traditional/classic photography and a warm welcoming to the talented. We would like to offer a platform for those young photographers who might or might not get market recognition yet to present their works on printing and create a dialogue with the world.

The début issue is street photography. The internet and use of graphics software has facilitated an unprecedented speed, which has had a decisive impact on the ways we see and represent our direct environment. While at the same time, the new generation of photographers has found groundbreaking to relocate the borders, hence our awareness of urban reality. The bond between photography and the urban environment has to be reconsidered through a wider range of affiliations, and what makes contemporary street photography so compelling is its ability to lay bare the intricate that determine our perception of reality.

Closing Ceremony magazine début issue featured contributing photographers:

David Brandon Geeting, Daniel Everett, Yoshinori Mizutani, KangHee Kim, John MacLean, Izaac Enciso, Bruno Zhu, Go Itami, Ryan Oskin, Li Shen, Xiaopeng Yuan, Corey Olsen, Sergiy Barchuk and Hiroyuki Sato

Along with their unpublished new works and interviews, exhibition, and an essay written by Joël Vachero (Essay Author/ ECAL Teacher/ Visual Researcher)

Limit Time Offer: 2025 Booobles Festival