- Softcover
- 68 pages
- 120 x 180 mm
- Dutch, English
- ISBN 9789080876798
- 2020
In 2011 photographer Hans Bol’s father was diagnosed with cancer. In response, Bol took his camera and began a touching and intimate chronicle of the elderly man’s gradual deterioration over the next six months, until, no longer able to speak, his father finally passed away in the comfort of a hospice. Bol could not have predicted that he would end up making the series White Crow, or what would result from the process of inevitably saying goodbye to a loved one. Interspersed with pictures of his father are images of crows and ravens; which appear frequently in Bol’s work. In White Crow Bol views them as messengers of the gods, symbols of transformation, and harbingers of eternity.
White Crow is the third book the artist has made in which crows and ravens play a dominant role. Earlier publications were ‘God’s Allies’ (2018) and ‘God’s Allies revisited’ (2019).