"Last Summer" by Joe Cruz unfolds as an acid drenched tribute to the euphoria of summer. Amidst clear blue skies and shimmering horizons, Cruz subverts and manipulates reality, layering textures and distorting perspectives to craft abstract yet beautiful scenes. The series employs vibrant colours and expressive mark making to evoke a sense of warmth and familiarity in each image.


Joe Cruz is a versatile artist who explores various mediums such as photography, collage, and illustration. Originally from London, he honed his craft at Norwich School of Art, specializing in printmaking. In 2018, Cruz debuted his solo exhibition at Gallery Common in Tokyo, marking a significant milestone in his career. His clientele includes renowned brands like Hermès, Jacquemus, JW Anderson, Calvin Klein, Tiffany, Stussy, and Nike. Cruz is not only an artist, but also a sought-after lecturer, sharing his expertise at universities and conducting workshops for clients in major cities like London, Paris, Tokyo, and LA.