

Sold Out

Book Size
148 x 210 mm
(Diary 105x148mm, 64pages)

This is a product of this passing stage. It contains two seperated parts, the visual and the text. To me, taking photographs is no longer as simple as recording what everyone appears to be; but a way of looking at my past/dead images and accepting my alienated/live existence. From a perspective of the main narrator,I looked closely at how I felt that I did not want to be parted with the "that-has-been" moments just before pressing the shutter.

The first "ihategoodbye" says good bye to the past. The aura has gone in a twinkling. The still images stay. Time moves, and the image passes (away). The second "ihategoodbye" says I do not want to see you. Not wanting to be parted because what was photographed is the "old you", but what I see is the "new you". You are still on-going. The virtual images reflect the reality, nontheless, are added with the unstability of alienation and enstrangement. As per J. Lacan's Theory of Mirror Stage, similar to images in the mirrors, one may falsely recognize the images in the photographes as oneself, but the images are never as real as the ever changing realities.

The text, Diary, is the record of an intimate relationship between 2010 to 2012. BDSM practitioners are almost always particular about privacy, so that the images were transformed into words. The words may then be visualised and evolved into images.

At last, this is a collection of the fragments of the past. This is the ultimate relic that says, "Good bye".

SU MISU, Born in Taipei, she is a photographer and BDSM model. Su Misu is known for her practice in exploration of gender, BDSM and sexual minority topics etc... And coming from the medical background, she’s therefore also interested in the “Synthetic”, the “Unnatural”, and all sorts of embodiments. Using photography to discuss the struggle between the real and the illusory. Besides photography, she is also a performance artist, and is an event planner.

Limit Time Offer: 2025 Booobles Festival