MacGuffin Magazine celebrates its tenth jubilee by uncorking a miscellany of bottles that capture the zeitgeist.

The menu for this festive issue includes a parade of down-market perfumes, messages squeezed into bottles, recipes for the perfect Molotov cocktail, the curated contents of celebrity fridges, the curious colours of centuries-old domestic bottles, the racism rife in the wine business, the salvation sought at AA sessions, and the many marvels awaiting you in the mini-bar.

Featuring among others Kandace Siobhan Walker, Jacy Topps, José Quintanar, Studio Qiu Yang, AtelierNL, El Ultimo Grito, Emily King, Mirka Laura Severa, Johannes Reponen and an anthology of graphic design talent. Cheers!

Tags: macguffin

Limit Time Offer: 2025 Booobles Festival