Odiseo 9: Laughter and loathing

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Published by The Flames
Designed by Folch
2016, English
24.5 × 17 × 1.4 cm

Odiseo offers a sophisticated take on erotica, redefining the confines of traditional erotic publishing by balancing philosophical texts and essays with images that lie in between art and erotica. Odiseo Volume 9 takes a puff of Satire by casting an acid, provocative glance on love, progress and society.

Photographers: Alexandra Von Fuerst, Marlen Keller, Megan Cullen & Cristina Ramos Atelier Writers: Kingston Trinder, Ingo Niermann and Fiktion contribution by Rene Daalder & Rem Koolhaas Illustrators: Pol Montserrat and Jordi Labanda

Tags: odiseo

Limit Time Offer: 2025 Booobles Festival