Route 1, Mike and India

Thomas Whiteside

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87 pages
343 x 305 mm
ISBN 978-0-9970098-0-4
First edition of 400 copies

Thomas Whiteside's 2015 photo diary of artists Michael Bailey-Gates and India Salvor Menuez on Iceland's lone highway, Route 1, focuses on their individual relationships to the otherworldly landscape. For Mike, Iceland represented an idealised fantasy place that he'd been dreaming about his whole life, and for India, it was about her experiencing this connection to the country where her mother and much of her family is from. The book includes an afterword by artist Chloe Wise, poetry by India, and artwork from Mike’s sketchbooks. Limited to just 400 copies, the book is as intimate and personal as the journey.

Limit Time Offer: 2025 Booobles Festival