Sally Mann: A Thousand Crossings

Sally Mann

National Gallery of Art

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10.75 x 11.375 inches
320 pages
230 illustrations
ISBN 9781419729034

Sarah Greenough and Sarah Kennel; Photographer Sally Mann; Essays by Hilton Als, Malcolm Daniel, and Drew Gilpin Faust
Accompanying the exhibition Sally Mann: A Thousand Crossings, this richly illustrated monograph constitutes an in-depth exploration of the evolution of Mann's art through five sections: "Family," "The Land," "Last Measure," "Abide with Me," and "What Remains." Plate sections are enriched by the inclusion of quotations by Mann herself and by her most beloved authors. Curators Sarah Greenough and Sarah Kennel analyze Mann's photographic development in essays exploring her literary interests and family photographs, respectively. In their valuable contributions, Hilton Als, staff writer at the New Yorker and recipient of the 2017 Pulitzer Prize for Criticism; Malcolm Daniel, Gus and Lyndall Wortham Curator of Photography at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; and Drew Gilpin Faust, president and Lincoln Professor of History at Harvard University, explore literary and photographic responses to racism in the South; Mann's debt to 19th-century photographers and techniques; and the landscape as repository of cultural and personal memory.

For more than 40 years, Sally Mann (b. 1951) has made experimental, elegiac, and hauntingly beautiful photographs that explore the overarching themes of existence: memory, desire, death, the bonds of family, and nature’s magisterial indifference to human endeavor. What unites this broad body of work—portraits, still lifes, landscapes, and other studies—is that it is all “bred of a place,” the American South. Mann, who is a native of Lexington, Virginia, uses her deep love of her homeland and her knowledge of its historically fraught heritage to ask powerful, provocative questions—about history, identity, race, and religion—that reverberate across geographic and national boundaries. Including many works not previously exhibited or published, Sally Mann: A Thousand Crossings is a sweeping overview of Mann’s artistic achievements.

Limit Time Offer: 2025 Booobles Festival