We are an independent publishing project which produces artist books and limited edition multiples. Founded by the artist Nicholas Gottlund in 2007, we maintain a program of publishing books collaboratively with artists. Working primarily with emerging and mid-career artists our books follow in a lineage while being innovative and forward thinking. We strive to have our books communicate with utmost clarity the vision of their source.

The main studio space is located in Kutztown, Pennsylvania. We print and bind nearly all of our books here, in house for overall quality control and flexiblity of process. We have a large workspace and bindery dedicated to producing objects for limited edition volumes such as book boxes and slip cases. We bind every book by hand. Our office and archive are located above the pressroom in a loft space for storage of books and prints.

In 2012 we developed a second studio in Los Angeles. The L.A. studio serves as a place to meet with artists and plan projects for our "year of California books" series. We maintain a more public presence with this second location and are available to meet by appointment.

Website: gottlundverlag.com