Foam 61: Talent
- 288 pages
- 300 x 230 x 23 mm
The 20 fascinating artists selected for our 2022 edition of Foam Magazine’s Talent Issue look closely at both the world around us, and the one within — without shying away from discomfort or pain. Rather, they use the photographic medium to respond to, digest and navigate a world that continues to present new challenges and problematic structures.
Climate change, political conflict, discrimination, displacement, and social justice issues: the works address the pressing problems of our times and remind us that photography has the capability to capture the unspeakable. This year, the submission numbers — which have steadily increased each year — reached a record high of 1938 submissions from 85 different countries. We are proud to present a selection that offers as much food for thought as beauty and innovation for the medium.
With the accompanying portfolio texts, which have all been specifically commissioned for this publication, we hope to give context to the portfolios and bring every project closer our readers. Authors include Daria Tuminas, Varun Nayar, Sunil Shah, Mariama Attah and Taco Hidde Bakker, amongst others. On top of this, we are thrilled to be able to include On My Mind features by Verónica Sanchis Bencomo and Antwaun Sargent, who writes on a brilliant portrait by the late James Van Der Zee. Our bookshelf has been filled by Chilean artist and editor Catalina Juger Cerda, who shares titles by Latin American practitioners that are currently shaping the region’s photobook discourse. A special mention needs to be addressed to the main feature of this issue: an extensive section titled A Radically Inclusive Universe, that merges the habitual interview and theme text into one!
Mariama Attah, Taco Hidde Bakker, Marwan Bassiouni, Verónica Sanchis Bencomo, Mirelva Berghout, Myriam Boulos, Olgaç Bozalp, Catalina Juger Cerda, Alejandro Chaskielberg, Laura Chen, Lydie Diakhaté, Anahita Ghabaian Etehadieh, Gem Fletcher, Kata Geibl, Lina Geoushy, Marvel Harris, Max Houghton, Alexandra Rose Howland, Jane’a Johnson, Keyezua, Kim Knoppers, Ange-Frédéric Koffi, Seif Kousmate, Czar Kristoff, Alexandra König, Bronwyn Law-Viljoen, Yushi Li, Carla Liesching, Karim El Maktafi, Pavo Marinović, Erin McFadyen, Shaka McGlotten, Tanvi Mishra, Diego Moreno, Donja Nasseri, Varun Nayar, Lee-Ann Olwage, Andy Pham, André Ramos-Woodard, Ghazaleh Rezaei, Antwaun Sargent, Linn Phyllis Seeger, Sunil Shah, Ritsch Sisters, Maisie Skidmore, Donavon Smallwood, Yasmine Nachabe Taan, Róisín Tapponi, Daria Tuminas, Leslie M. Wilson, James Van Der Zee
The Feast, Inside, from the series Paintings, Dreams and Love © Yushi Li and Steph Wilson, courtesy of the artists.