I am Gonzo. My Dirty Italian Zines Fuck Serious Scientific Books

Emanuele De DonnoLuca Pucci



254 pages
129 × 185 × 15 mm
800 copies
ISBN 9788897753582
Italian, English
Apr 2021


A porn addict amateur who collects dirty Italian comics in an “animalistic” way, Gonzo applies a conservative technique whereby he hides these questionably viewable images within scientific libraries. This book addresses a widespread form of collecting that avoids the subject of the “arty” comic strip and instead dives headlong into obscene material and the viewer’s experience of it. This mega-collection of pornographic Italian comics faithfully presents the genre from its sensual, sexual-phobic beginnings to its porno-violent shift, between the years 1985 and 2000. Voyeuristic and chock-full of thematic variants, from transgenderism and homoeroticism to fairy tale, zombie, and cyber porn.

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