The poem Psalm by Paul Celan is a sorrowful chant that adverts to a state of total loss of orientation. The sky under which men live is empty. Nobody answers our call.

When the whole world is threatened we cease to rely only on reason for the causes of danger, but we seek in the first place words or images that may express our condition of dismay. Man finds, thus, a different language, a poetic one that is no longer an expression of certainty: that certainty that the current crisis has dismantled . The formulation of the question has become a chant. Words and images tremble, they are moved, they are honest and authentic vehicles of tragic emotional lucidity. From a system of certainties of technical-scientific thought man arrives at personal, intimate, human language, which is an elegy, a lamentation, a psalm.

限時活動:第7屆泡書節 ~線上國際藝術書展~ 2025 Booobles Festival

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