Foam 43: Freedom of Expression under Surveillance
Out of Stock
- ISBN 9789491727825
- Published December 2015
- 288 pages + 4 cover pages front + back
- Printed on selected specialized paper
- Swiss bound
- 300x230x25 mm
Foam is proud to launch the brand new and unique Foam Magazine, which was made in close collaboration with world-renowned Chinese contemporary artist and activist Ai Weiwei (1957, Beijing). Weiwei is guest editor for this issue that is entirely dedicated to the theme ‘Freedom of Expression under Surveillance’. Ai Weiwei himself is the central point of the magazine, as an artist under constant surveillance by the Chinese government. The magazine contains images he made while documenting his life by using Instagram and webcams, but also pays attention to Ai Weiwei’s constant endeavour to keep a sharp eye on the ones surveilling him.
Containing an interview with, and quotes by the artist Foam Magazine #43 is divided into four parts: ‘Sousveillance”, ‘Self Surveillance, ‘Urban Surveillance’ and ‘Art and Surveillance’. It reports on the way the artist worked the last few years. Instagram and Twitter became the means by which Ai Weiwei shared virtually every aspect of his life with a steadily growing multitude of followers all over the world. Part of the issue shows a selection of the endless stream of images posted on Instagram by Ai Weiwei. In another part Weiwei shares stills from the ‘Weiweicam’ he directed at himself 24/7. Foam Magazine #43 documents crucial and highly eventful period in the life of one of the most important artists of our age.