“Mitsume" is Taiwanese actress Ai Ning Yao’s debut photography monograph, it is a collection of personal reflections on her life experiences spanning the past decade. Weaving together photography and diary entries, she distills observations as transparent and delicate as a haiku. Ai Ning opens herself up to the world with grace, documenting moments of resolution and vulnerability. At times of despair, she contemplates what it means to be alive.

”The Japanese term “みつめ (mistume)” literally translates into “three eyes”. I’ve often felt like the camera is our third eye. It captures whatever is happening before us, even things we aren’t aware of at the moment. Nothing could escape the shutter eye. The Japanese pronunciation for “みつめ (mitsume)” sounds identical to the Japanese term “見つめる(mitsumeru)”, meaning “observing with attention”. It resonated with my process of making this photobook— while slowly rearranging these snippets of my past, I’d come closer to my inner self.“

Moments that go by in a blink of an eye, encounters that end up jolting your soul, scenes that insinuate uncanny sentiments— our lives pass us by in overexposed, out-of-focus, light leaked memories, as time sneaks us by, it is gently captured. Shedding her role as an actor, Ai Ning returns to her most genuine form, reemerging with dashing authenticity in “Mitsume”.

“Ensconced in the ocean
You feel safe
and set free to indulge” - excerpt from Ai Ning’s diary

Born 1990 in Taiwan. Ai Ning Yao debuted as an actor in “Partners In Crime (2013)” and quickly gained popularity for her ethereal looks. She was casted in Japanese film and TV shows “Strange Tales of Love and Strangers (2017)” and “Soaking Wet Private Detective Hagoromo Mizuno (2019)”. Ai Ning began shooting film photography ever since she discovered her father’s old Nikon FM2 when she was still in college. It had since become one of the few things she carried on until today. Even though she works in multiple fields, she most identifies as a witch, and believes that there is always something more than meets the eye.




「大きな海が包んでくれる。そうすればホッとできるよね。溺愛された世界で自由になれるよね。」—— 収録日記より

ヤオ‧アイニン、1990年台湾生まれ。2013年に出演した映画『共犯』でスクリーンデビューした後、さわやかで透明感のあるイメージで注目を浴び、日本映画の『恋愛奇譚集』、日本ドラマ『びしょ濡れ探偵水野羽衣』に次々と出演するなど、日本とのかかわりも深い。大学時代に自宅で父親が所有していたNikon FM2カメラを偶然にも発見。そこからフィルムカメラを片手に出かけては様々なシーンを写真に収め、満を持してこの時を迎えました。様々な分野にわたり、彼女曰く最も得意なのは「魔女」になることで、作品には肉眼で見えないものがちりばめられていること間違いないでしょう。

236 ページ / 収録作品 150 点 / 日記 55 件とテキスト収録(中日併記)/ ポラロイド日記写真 5 枚付(レプリカ)/ 上製本