Animal Greetings From The UK

Alberto Vieceli



84 pages
230 × 305 mm

Alberto Vieceli’s penchant for postcard collecting even extends to vintage postcards from the United Kingdom. This book takes a genre that most people were probably unaware existed as its subject: animal greetings. Each postcard features a cute photograph of one or more animals at its centre – dogs or puppies, cats or kittens – ringed by pictures of the place from which the greetings were sent and a prominent message saying good luck, well wishes, thinking of you, or a similar such greeting intended for the recipient. It seems a particularly British brand of kitsch, yet also oddly endearing, because who wouldn’t want to find a wee Scotty wearing a kerchief in their letterbox?

限時活動:第7屆泡書節 ~線上國際藝術書展~ 2025 Booobles Festival