- Hardcover
- 211 × 265 mm
- 96 pages
- 46 colour photographs
- ISBN 978-2-36511-238-3
- English
A figure of the young Japanese photography scene, Yoshinori Mizutani revisits the urban space of his city, Tokyo. Steeped in the Japanese pictorial tradition, the photographer explores Tokyo’s daily life and captures scenes that verge on the fantastic. His framings and bright colours confer an element of otherness to his images. Forms, textures, colourful hues, and depth of field develop a visual vocabulary that is both poetic and pop. Visions from dreams or nightmares, through their presence, Yoshinori Mizutani’s birds saturate the world of the city and restore its mystery.
This publication is part of the Des oiseaux (On birds) collection celebrating, through the vision of different artists, their immense presence in a world where they are now vulnerable. Accompanying these photographs, the ornithologist Guilhem Lesaffre writes a special essay. For this title, he sheds light on the social instincts of birds. Previous titles in this collection include: Pentti Sammallahti, Bernard Plossu, and Terri Weifenbach.