Koudelka . Piedmont

Josef Koudelka

Thames & Hudson


205 × 329 mm
160 pages
76 illustrations
ISBN 9780500543870
Oct 2009

Whether photographing avant-garde theatre, gypsies on the steppes of Eastern Europe or resistance to Soviet guns and tanks advancing on Prague, Josef Koudelka has consistently produced images that provoke a connection to the larger questions of human existence.

This book brings together panoramic photographs from one of his most recent projects, the landscape of the Piedmont region of northern Italy. As Giuseppe Culicchia says in his introduction to this superb collection, ‘Today’s Piedmont is a region that is both wonderful and wounded. And here they are: the wonders and the wounds … Humans are largely absent from Koudelka’s images, because the book’s main protagonist is the land itself.’

Leading Italian journalist Giuseppe Culicchia contributes an introduction on Piedmont’s history and culture.