- Softcover
- 132 pages
- 222 x 199 mm
- ISBN 9784794224880
位於東京銀座,黑川紀章建築師的傑作、日本近代建築的金字塔「中銀膠囊塔」(中銀カプセルタワービル)。奇特的外觀引人注目,這個設計既是當時對於「持續不斷移動的人類 = ホモ・モーベンス ( Homo Movens )」所生活的未來的設想樣貌,也正是所謂情報時代的「現代」。
甚至設計當時未曾想過,50 年後社群媒體盛行,中銀膠囊塔著名的圓窗設計非常「上鏡」;新型冠狀病毒肆虐下,人們將膠囊體當作第二辦公室、重新 DIY 佈置等,趨勢裡有著「膠囊」的概念。
膠囊塔的理念中令人驚豔的未來預想,使新時代的生活開花結果,本書收錄 20 間膠囊體,20 種生活方式。
Style01: 與日常切割的秘密場所 (Style01: The Secret Place Far from Everyday Life )
Style02: 唯有時間得以創造出的形式 (Style02: The Form That Only Time Can Produce)
Style03: 銀座的「角落」特等席 (Style03: The Special Seat As the Nook of Ginza)
Style04: 電影將人與膠囊相繫 (Style04: The Film Connected People and Capsules)
Style05: 令人著迷的漆黑舞台裝置 (Style05: The Jet-Black Stage Set That Attracts People)
Style06: 充滿白色方塊的工夫與熱情 (Style06: The White Cube Full of Ingenuity and Passion)
Style07: 漂浮在銀座的和室別墅 (Style07: The Floating Japanese-Style Villa in Ginza)
Style08: 激發出膠囊可能性的專家 (Style08: The Capsule Master at Unlocking the Potential of the Capsule Tower)
Style09: 來自烏克蘭,與膠囊愛一起 (Style09: From Ukraine, with the Capsule Love)
Style10: 睡在「圓窗」上的夢想部屋 (Style10: The Dream Room where You Can Sleep in the Round Window Itself)
Style11: 同好聚集的開放膠囊 (Style11: The Open Capsule of Like-Minded People)
Style12: 繼承建築文化之旅 (Style12: The Tour Carries on the Architectural Culture)
Style13: 因為圓窗很酷所以住下了 (Style13: I Live Here Because the Round Windows are So Cool)
Style14: 只要能住在這裡,其他的都不需要 (Style14: If I Can Live Here, I Don't Need Anything Else)
Style15: 很有趣,包括迂迴曲折的歷史 (Style15: It's Interesting to include the History of the Twists and Turns)
Style16: 加速未來建築家的創造力 (Style16: Accelerating the Creativity of the Architect of the Future)
Style17: DJ Cosplayer 文化的發信基地 (Style17: The Culture-Dissemination Base of DJ Cosplayer)
Style18: 國際派律師的遠端據點 (Style18: Remote Locations for the International Lawyer)
Style19: 膠囊塔的傳說應援者 (Style19: The Legend Cheerers for the Capsule Tower)
Style20: 承接並且傳遞膠囊思想的場所 (Style20: The Place to Take on and Pass on the Idea of the Capsule)