- Hardcover
- 104 pages
- 265 x 265 mm
- Japanese, English
- Jan 2025
Masahiro Kawatei first began photographing his hometown of Ashiya, located between Kobe and Osaka, in 1991. Walking around with a Hasselblad camera, he captured the city for several years, eventually holding an exhibition of his work in 1994. In 1995, the Great Hanshin Earthquake took place, destroying countless buildings and costing more than 5000 lives. Having survived the disaster, Kawatei immediately continued to photograph again. Around this time, his focus shifted towards the cherry blossoms that bloom in spring each year, not merely for their beauty but as a symbol for hope, resilience, and new beginnings.
Thirty years after the earthquake, Kawatei – now with a digital Hasselblad – again photographed his hometown of Ashiya and its many cherry trees.
“1994: Following the sudden and violent earthquake, I found myself trapped beneath a wardrobe. I thought I was going to die during the shaking. Immediately following the disaster, I walked around the drastically changed Ashiya area with my Hasselblad. I don’t recall seeing the cherry blossoms that year …
2025: Somei-yoshino cherry trees are said to have a similar life expectancy as that of human beings. I am hopeful that I will be able to see the same cherry trees again next year, as I was fortunate to be able to tour them in good health this year. The Ashiya cherry trees, which provided us with inspiration throughout the restoration of the city, are like comrades who invite us into the future.”
― from Masahiro Kawatei’s afterword