- Hardcover (tipped-in on the cover)
- 102 page
- 305 × 290 mm
Since 2006, he has been taking pictures of the shamanism of the Tohoku region since thousands years ago (the Jomon period) as well as the lifes and cultures of the people living in this region. Masaru Tatsuki has created many works including "Tohoku" and "GYOJIN FISH-MAN".
This work, "KAKERA" was made by photographing pieces of Jomon earthenware, which were huge amounts of materials stored in collections and excavation sites of museums in various regions starting with Tsunan Town(Niigata, Japan), together with newspaper used as insoles and packaging inside the boxes.
The pieces of Jomon earthenware, the newspaper, and the time when it was photographed by Tatsuki. There are layers of time in a photo, and you're facing things that are buried and forgotten. From the dialogue with "voiceless" and "something we don't know" to the history, the traces of hands and the lost time, we can see his perspective through the photographs taken so far.
We will look at ourselves and the society around us through "KAKERA".
"The layers of fragmented time that I saw in the flat box do not allow the supposition that the past present and future are on a continuous stream rather suggesting that they are distorted twisted and intertwined.
It is such multilayered strata of time on which we put our foot down."
(excerpt from Tatsuki's statement for "KAKERA")