Index Naturae brings together 116 photobooks published in the last five years on the theme of nature, collected and displayed on the occasion of the exhibition of the same title presented at OMNEFEST 2023.

Excluding a priori the geographical limit, the research proposes experiences on the theme of five continents that find a specific reference in the origin of the author involved or in the place of investigation. This book is a sort of encyclopedic book, a “book of books” in which every entry, that is, every book, offers itself as a tool capable of suggesting different trajectories of interpretation of nature, of its constituent elements and the relationship that man has with them today. Index Naturae therefore suggests a system of unexpected relationships that – as Gianfranco Baruchello states – simulates the complexity of the associative processes of the mind. In this sense, if the photo–of–photo on the one hand generates a loss of quality, on the other increases the conceptual potential of the images.

Limit Time Offer: 2025 Booobles Festival

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