- 235 × 305 mm
- 148 pages
- ISBN 9781597114622
Mexico City
The fall 2019 issue of Aperture illuminates the diverse image culture in North America’s largest metropolis and the ways Mexican photographers are pushing new visions in the medium.
Agenda: Exhibitions to See
Alinka Echeverria, Duane Michals, Jan Groover, Shot in Soho
Garth Greenwell on Mark McKnight
Brian Wallis on Richard Faverty’s On Strike: Shut It Down, 1969
By Max Pinckers
Object Lessons
Horacio Fernández on Made in Latin America, 1981
Graciela Iturbide: Dreams & Visions
The life and work of Latin America’s most revered photographer
A Conversation with Ramón Reverté
Spiral City
How a group of young artists transformed Mexico City in the 1990s
By Kit Hammonds
Mexico and the Photobook
From Manuel Álvarez Bravo to Alejandro Cartagena, the legacy of images in print
Pablo Ortiz Monasterio and Horacio Fernández in Conversation
The Shadow and the Flash
A visionary conceptual photographer on the art of the family archive
Iñaki Bonillas in Conversation with Iván Ruiz
Members Only
Looking back at Mexico City’s photo clubs
By Sarah Hermanson Meister
Posing Defiance
Outlaws and gender nonconformists in a midcentury police archive
By Alfonso Morales Carrillo
A History of Violence
How can women photographers represent Mexico’s disappeared?
Maya Goded and Mayra Martell in Conversation with Marcela Turati
Pablo López Luz
Introduction by Álvaro Enrigue
Miquel Calderón
Introduction by María Virginia Jaua
Gabriel Orozco
Introduction by María Minera
Lake Verea
Introduction by Alejandro Hernández Gálvez
Melba Arellano
Introduction by Mario Ballesteros
The J. L. Venegas Archive
Introduction by Yvonne Venegas
Sonia Madrigal
Introduction by Yxta Maya Murray
Jesús León
Introduction by Daniel Saldaña París
Tania Franco Klein
Introduction by Chloe Aridjis