- Softcover
- 124 images
- 128 pages
- 250 × 182 mm
Almost ten years after the publication of the previous “Black & White Note 2” (released in 2012), Osaka-based Jun Abe releases this stellar collection of street photographs from the 80s and 90s.
Abe, whose street photography has been honored with a Society of Photography Award in 2013, made the selections for this photobook without the constraints of a theme, location or time period. Free to choose and edit as he pleased, Abe delivered an expressive marvel of moments, moods, situations and faces.
“I take a sheet from the 80s at random, make my selections, and print them. Then I take a random sheet from the 90s, make my selection, and print them. Then I take one from the 80s again, then again from the 90s, and so on and so on …
Through this approach, I think I was able to free myself of many rigid ideas that I had about photography.” — from the artist’s statement