- Hardcover
- 68 pages
- 200 × 262 × 14 mm
- ISBN 9784865411485
- Japanese, English
- Jun 2022
Two different covers random delivery
It may be that to create something is to draw 'life' out of the world. Painting, sculpture, performance, film, music, writing, and many other forms of expression all share one thing in common: they are responses to "life" that the artist encountered and was moved by.
Photographers are generally expected to show how they interpreted the scene or what meaning they found in the subject, but for me, photography is a response to the world I encountered, and my aim is for the captured scene to be remembered anew by the viewer. I do not look "to take photographs". First comes the surprise and joy of encounter in what I see, and then there is the taking of the photograph. The subject of my works is to express the purity of the camera lens.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, I avoided going out any more than necessary, and for long periods I spent day after day indoors. The days on the calendar continued to pass by, but I did not really feel it, and I was surprised how every time I went outside, there had been noticeable seasonal changes. The changes made me feel as if I were in a movie, switching between different scenes.
When you use the words "winter" and "spring," the two seasons are as seen as different things, entities that can be separated. However, the seasons are continually changing, and time moves onwards without interruption. What you can capture with photography is the state of the world at the instant you released the shutter, and the image itself does not tell us much. However, when these are arranged in sequence, they begin to connect with each other, and a space or interval begins to emerge between them. I would like to leave it to the viewer how to read the space between the lines.
Our streams of consciousness make connections between fragments. When viewing fragments, the point at which you become conscious of something is deeply embedded in your memory. It can be difficult to differentiate between what you remember seeing and what you are seeing right now, so past and present overlap. This is similar to the experience of viewing photography.
Within a photograph, the photographer's experiences blend together with the viewer's memories. The space between the pages of this book is entrusted to you.
(Risaku Suzuki afterword "Winter to Spring")