The Walker House, RM Schindler



80 Pages
ISBN 978-84-697-6763-4
June 2018
First edition

‘Last October my wife and two kids and I moved into a house with a name: the Ralph G Walker House. The reason our house has a name is not because its original owner, Ralph G Walker, had a name worth knowing—he worked for an insurance company—but because his architect did. Walker’s architect was RM Schindler. Schindler arrived in Los Angeles in 1920, 15 years before Walker hired him, and the work he built during that decade and a half (and beyond) was both miraculous and maddening. Miraculous because it was better than nearly all of his contemporaries’, and maddening because it managed to attract far less attention than anything nearly as good.’

— Andrew Romano

The Walker House, RM Schindler is the first in a series of architecture books related to inspirational houses. It takes us to Los Angeles, the adopted home of Austrian-born American architect, RM Schindler, and tells the story of the Walker House and how came into the possession of its current owner, journalist and modernist architecture and design geek, Andrew Romano. The 80-page hardbound book features interior photography by longtime Apartamento contributor, Ye Rin Mok, texts by Andrew Romano, and archival imagery of the Walker House, courtesy of the private collection of Andrew Romano and the University of Santa Barbara California.

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